On January 18, 2019. the IRS released the highly anticipated final regulations on Section 199A for the qualified business income deduction for pass-through entities. In this podcast, Bob Keebler, CPA/PFS shares details on the provisions, specifically Notice 2019-07 and answers:
Access the related resources from this podcast:
Impact of Tax Reform on Planning Toolkit
Broadridge Advisor (free access to PFP/PFS members) includes extensive content written by CPAs, attorneys and other experts on planning strategies, new relevant laws, etc. that are articulated in client terms.
This episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Personal Financial Planning Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing tax, estate, retirement, risk management and investment planning advice. Also, by the CPA/PFS Credential program, which allows CPAs to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us online at www.aicpa.org/pfp to join our community, gain access to valuable member-only benefits or learn about our PFP certificate program.
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