This year, #AuditorProud day was on Thursday, September 26th. During this primarily social event, auditors from all over the place went to town expressing the value and fun of the audit profession. Thank you to the Center for Audit Quality, a non-profit affiliate of the AICPA, for creating this day. You have successfully provided a way for anyone connected to auditing to creatively express how the profession is fun!
Here at Wolters Kluwer we
also participated in #AuditorProud day. Check out our posts, if you haven’t seen
them already. Or, look at them again if you have. Also, be sure to share our
posts further. Someone in your social network might be considering the audit
profession, but on the fence. So, you never know, these short videos might give
them just the right push!
The below links are to our
Twitter posts. These same social posts are also on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages
too. You can find them on those sites by simply looking for the #AuditorProud
hashtag. Our posts highlighted industry experts, including:
- Karen Abramson, CEO, Wolters Kluwer Tax &
Accounting - Michael Holmstrom, CPA and Audit Manager at Marks
Paneth - Robert Dohrer, Chief Auditor at the AICPA
- Kevin Wang, CPA, CGFM at Warren Averett
- Carl Mayes, CPA and Associate Director of CPA Quality
and Evolution at the AICPA - Bill Matheney, CPA and Director of Matheney Stees
& Associates - Cathy Rowe,
Director of Technology Product Management, Wolters Kluwer
The social posts are short,
so you can probably watch and read through all of them in under 20 minutes.
Consider that time a well-deserved break when your mind needs a bit of a rest.
One final post highlighted an
infographic. Be sure to check out that AA Stats
infographic post, too. Then, also visit our Integrated Audit
Approach webpage to learn more about how Wolters Kluwer can help your practice
deliver more efficient and higher quality risk-based audits.
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