The FCA is to hold a tech-focused Innovation Day at its London HQ in July to showcase what it is doing to nurture new financial technology developments.
The regulator said the day will “showcase what’s next for our innovation agenda.”
The day will feature a mixture of keynotes, panel sessions and presentations, as well as an exhibition area where attendees can meet the FCA’s innovation teams.
The day is also designed to inform those considering using the FCA’s innovation services such as its regulatory sandbox, digital sandbox or pathways service.
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The FCA expects industry leaders at the event, including CEOs and venture capitalists who will discuss topics such as AI and algorithms, diversity and inclusion, cryptoassets and leveraging global networks.
The event is aimed at senior individuals from the fintech and regtech sectors, as well as technologists, trade associations, government, academia and financial institutions.
The FCA says that attendees will get the opportunity to:
• Learn more about the FCA’s market-facing services
• Discover how emerging technology is shaping regulation and how the FCA Innovation Hub is evolving to “support the next generation of financial services”
• Listen to a series of roundtables and breakout sessions, visit an exhibition and meet the FCA innovation teams
Attendees can register to attend in person or virtually.
The day will take place on Wednesday 13 July from 10am – 5pm at the FCA HQ in London: Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Those interested are asked to register for the event here: FCA Innovation Day Registration
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