Archives for June 2022
Optimising accounting technology for remote workplaces
For better or worse, the pandemic has disrupted the accounting industry forever. Dave Francis, General Manager of APS, has witnessed enormous changes industry wide. One of the most significant has been a distinct shift in where work is done. Since the onset of COVID-19, adopting new working patterns has been a necessity for many firms. […]
Finding the Right Solution for Your Bookkeeping Needs
You’re not in business to do bookkeeping, but you’re not in business without it, either.
Margin vs. Markup: Chart, Infographic, & More
Business owners often confuse margin and markup. After all, they both deal with sales, help you set prices, and measure productivity. But, there’s a key difference between margin vs. markup—and knowing this difference is how you can set prices that lead to profits. Unsure about the difference between markup and margin in accounting? We’ve got […]
Kitces & Carl Ep 87: Balancing Optimal Advice With Recommendations That Clients Will Actually Implement
Clients rely upon their financial advisors to provide expert advice that will optimize the possibility of achieving their financial goals. And naturally, advisors want to deliver a plan with the best possible outcomes for their clients. Yet, as advisors come to understand their client and their limitations, they may foresee that the optimal plan may […]
Kitces & Carl Ep 87: Balancing Optimal Advice With Recommendations That Clients Will Actually Implement
Clients rely upon their financial advisors to provide expert advice that will optimize the possibility of achieving their financial goals. And naturally, advisors want to deliver a plan with the best possible outcomes for their clients. Yet, as advisors come to understand their client and their limitations, they may foresee that the optimal plan may […]
Stung by the stock market, Gen Z and millennials still shun advisors
How To Use Economic Context In Retirement Income Decision-Making
Those who pay attention to the news are regularly bombarded by a barrage of economic data – from unemployment figures to the inflation rate – as there is no shortage of data points available to assess the state of the economy. But for financial advisors, a key question is how this information may influence the […]
SIPP consultant slams ‘poorly timed’ FCA pension rules
A SIPP consultant has criticised the Financial Conduct Authority’s new rules encouraging a stronger nudge towards pension guidance. From today pension providers and trustees will have to guide those looking to draw pension savings for the first time towards Pension Wise. James Jones-Tinsley, self-invested pensions technical specialist at Barnett Waddingham, criticised the rules as ‘poorly […]
Ex-Which? exec named FCA interim chair term
Former Which? executive Richard Lloyd has taken over as interim chair of the Financial Conduct Authority this morning. He takes over from Charles Randell who stood down yesterday after four years as chair of the regulator. Mr Lloyd will act as interim chair until the Treasury appoints a permanent replacement. The role of FCA chair […]