We are less than one month away from the next CFP exam window, meaning hundreds of candidates for CFP certification are busy studying and preparing to accomplish a major career milestone. Spanning approximately 72 financial planning topics across eight subject areas, the CFP exam is among the most comprehensive of professional examinations, testing candidates’ ability to apply financial planning knowledge to real-life situations. Passing the six-hour exam is an essential step toward earning the Certified Financial Planner professional designation.
While a test of such length and scope may seem daunting, the more you learn about the exam, the more prepared and confident you will be on exam day.
Understand the format and process
The CFP exam is a computerized 170-question, multiple-choice test that includes stand-alone questions, short scenario questions and case study questions.
Whether onsite or at home, be prepared to complete a thorough security screening, including a check of your sleeves and pockets.
New this year, some candidates will take the exam remotely, rather than in person at a Prometric testing center. Whether onsite or at home, be prepared to complete a thorough security screening, including a check of your sleeves and pockets. You will not be allowed to take any personal items in with you or have them at your home workspace. There is one 40-minute break scheduled halfway through the exam, though you may take unscheduled breaks at any time — just be aware that the exam clock will keep ticking. Our webinar, What to Expect from the CFP Exam Experience, provides a more detailed look at exam day.
Take a practice exam
CFP Board offers a full-length practice exam to support your preparation and help assess your readiness for the exam. We also provide a 10-question sample test that will help you get a sense for the structure and format of exam questions. Many exam-takers have said it is helpful to take a review course prior to the test. We have compiled a list of exam review course providers that may help in your exam preparation.
Find support among your peers
Connecting with someone who is studying for, or who has recently completed, the CFP exam process can be very helpful. The CFP Board Candidate Forum is a great resource for connecting you with others who are pursuing CFP certification. Here you can join the conversation with other candidates to ask questions, seek advice and learn from others’ experiences. You can also connect with others preparing for the upcoming exam in the Study Group Forum.
I encourage you to visit our website, CFP.net, for review courses and additional resources and exam tips, and I wish all of our candidates good luck on the exam. CFP Board looks forward to welcoming you as new CFP professionals.
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