Have you completed your payroll process for 2014-15? If not here are our five tips: 1. If you did not identify on your last FPS that this was your final submission for the year you will need to submit an EPS (Employment Payment Summary) before 19th April 2015. If you do not do this you […]
The minimum wage is increasing
The new minimum wage rates to be implemented from 1st October 2015 were announced this week. A 20p rise to £6.70 per hour for adult workers, a 27p rise to £2,30 per hour for workers aged 18-20, and a 57p an hour raise for apprentices.
Who is your contact for Pension Auto-Enrolment?
The Pension Regulator says its time to nominate a contact for Pension Auto-Enrolment even though your Staging Date may not be until 2017. The Pension Regulator has been sending out letters to businesses with less than 50 employees advising employers of their Staging Date and asking them to nominate a contact before 30th April 2015. […]
Two months free for new Xero customers
Xero is becoming more popular with our customers. The 24/7 availability of accounts information and access to current and previous management reports helps business owners work on their business and plan cash flow and growth. Xero have offered two months free to new customers who sign up before 31st March. We have four of these […]
Is your worker employed or self-employed?
A worker’s employment status is not a matter of choice and will be very relevant went it comes to Pension Auto-Enrolment. Your worker is EMPLOYED if most the following apply: They are told what to do, when to do it and how to do it They do the work themselves They are contracted to set […]
HMRC have announced the new tax rates for 2015-16 which will apply from 6 April 2015
If you have employees you will want to know how much you can pay your employees before you have to pay employer National Insurance Contributions. HMRC have announced the thresholds for 2015-16 which will apply from 6 April 2015, Your employees can earn £3 per week more than they did in 2014-14 before you have […]
Editor’s Comment: The ultimate pensions theft
News this week that life expectancy in most of the UK has fallen for the last couple of years has raised a few eyebrows and also got me thinking about the impact of this on all sorts of major financial services issues, the State Pension being one.
Editor’s Comment: Risks and rewards of targeted support
The FCA is clearly inching its way towards breaking down the boundary between advice and guidance with the aim of giving more ’targeted support’, as it calls it, to millions of pension savers.
Financial Planning Today Magazine: Next issue out soon
The latest edition of Financial Planning Today magazine, the premium UK journal for Financial Planning, Wealth Management and Paraplanning professionals, will be out next week.
Q&A with Paradigm Norton’s next CEO Philippa Hann
Financial Planning Today editor Kevin O’Donnell recently caught up with Philippa Hann, recently announced as the next CEO of Bristol-based, employee-owned Financial Planning firm Paradigm Norton. She will take up the role in April. A full version of this interview will appear in the next issue of Financial Planning Today magazine in November.