U.S. government debt prices ticked higher Friday, after falling Thursday on the back of stronger weekly jobless data. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note was lower at around 0.7012% in early trading, while the yield on the 30-year Treasury bond slipped to around 1.4135%. Bond yields fall as their prices rise. The move follows jobs data which showed […]
Treasury yields come off highs after jobless data beats estimates
U.S. government debt prices ticked higher Friday, after falling Thursday on the back of stronger weekly jobless data. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note was lower at around 0.7012% in early trading, while the yield on the 30-year Treasury bond slipped to around 1.4135%. Bond yields fall as their prices rise. The move follows jobs data which showed […]
How Often Are Small Businesses Audited
How often are small businesses audited? What alerts the IRS to come knocking at your door? While audits are sometimes simply random, and cannot be entirely avoided, the IRS notices a variety of red flags – audit “triggers” that can be prevented. Unfortunately, many small business owners do not know the red flags that initiate […]
How Often Are Small Businesses Audited
How often are small businesses audited? What alerts the IRS to come knocking at your door? While audits are sometimes simply random, and cannot be entirely avoided, the IRS notices a variety of red flags – audit “triggers” that can be prevented. Unfortunately, many small business owners do not know the red flags that initiate […]
Final regs. issued on payments to charitable organizations
The IRS issued final regulations (T.D. 9907) on the treatment of payments made to charitable organizations in return for consideration, including in return for state and local tax credits. The regulations finalize proposed regulations issued in December 2019 and also incorporate two earlier pieces of IRS guidance, Rev. Proc. 2019-12 and Notice 2019-12, as well […]
Final regs. issued on payments to charitable organizations
The IRS issued final regulations (T.D. 9907) on the treatment of payments made to charitable organizations in return for consideration, including in return for state and local tax credits. The regulations finalize proposed regulations issued in December 2019 and also incorporate two earlier pieces of IRS guidance, Rev. Proc. 2019-12 and Notice 2019-12, as well […]
Executive action delays workers’ payroll tax payments
President Donald Trump on Saturday issued a presidential memorandum to defer the withholding, deposit, and payment of certain payroll taxes on wages paid from Sept. 1 through Dec. 31, 2020. The presidential memorandum was one of three the president issued on Saturday as congressional negotiators struggle to find agreement on a bill to extend relief […]
Preparing a new client for their first VAT return
Today I took on a new client. They telephoned last week wondering what to do as they had just gone over the VAT threshold. They were nervous about what that entailed and concerned they wouldn’t know what to do. I spent some time talking them through being VAT registered, keeping accurate records and the advantages […]
Preparing a new client for their first VAT return
Today I took on a new client. They telephoned last week wondering what to do as they had just gone over the VAT threshold. They were nervous about what that entailed and concerned they wouldn’t know what to do. I spent some time talking them through being VAT registered, keeping accurate records and the advantages […]
Online Safety Reminders: Preventing Breaches While Working Remotely
Bad things happen in the online world, all the time. It’s not just a “because we are working remotely” kind of thing. The difference is, right now, mid-pandemic, there’s a sense of unease and feeling of urgency. We are trying to stay efficient and effective in unfamiliar territory. In an uncertain business climate, there’s additional […]