Editor’s Comment: Cost crisis affects planners too
Many pundits have put forward the view that the Financial Planning sector has been little affected by the cost of living crisis and economic uncertainty. The sector is, of course, one of the fastest growing in the UK and I would support the view that planning is set for more growth and M&A activity. That […]
‘Impasse’ must stop says PFS CEO
PFS interim CEO Don MacIntyre has called on the CII to end the dispute between the two organisations and negotiate over its plans to take control of the PFS board. Mr MacIntyre said the damaging “impasse” between the two organisations must end and a compromise reached for the good of both organisations. Mr MacIntyre issued […]
300 FCA-authorised firms failed to survive year one
Latest FCA data has revealed that 300 newly-authorised firms failed to survive their first year and nearly 3,000 firm did not make it to their fifth year. The figures, analysed by Autus Data Services, show a high rate of attrition rate of firms. Despite this the number of individuals working in FCA-authorised firms grew by […]
Why Merrill, bucking trend, won’t offer independent model for advisors
Fintech Altus rebrands as Equisoft after takeover
Fintech Altus is to rebrand as Equisoft following its takeover by the global financial services software firm Equisoft. Altus says that while names are changing there will be no change to products and services. {loadposition hidden2} The name change will take effect starting 24 January. Business areas moving under the Equisoft name include: •Altus Transfer […]
Clients ditch advisors who are bad communicators. Here’s what to do
Morgan Stanley books record quarter and year for wealth management
Chartered Planner acquires London Planning firm
Expanding Chartered Planner HFMC Wealth has acquired central London-based Chartered Planner firm R&S Financial Planning. HFMC says the deal will strengthen its London office and increase its HNW client base. R&S Financial Planning client-facing staff will be retained by HFMC. R&S founder Vince Lane will continue to oversee his key client relationships and the team […]