After a three-year gap, Olabike taxis returned to Bengaluru roads on Monday. Ola’s re-entry to bike-taxi segment is likely to offer cheaper and faster mobility option for commuters. Another firm, Rapido, has been operating bike taxis in the city since 2016. However, transport department maintains that it hasn’t given permission to any firms to operate […]
Amazon, Flipkart losses seen rising
Amazon India and Flipkart are likely to see higher losses due to the fall in sales and increased compliance costs in the aftermath of the updated FDI policy for online marketplaces, according to analyst reports from Morgan Stanley. While the losses for Amazon may double in three years, Walmart could see an incremental loss of […]
Govt accuses Amazon, Flipkart of violating e-comm FDI rules
The government has defended its decision to rework the rules for marketplace model, accusing the country’s top e-tailers Flipkart and Amazon of operating “hybrid” marketplaces, which were anchored by inventory-based operations through a network of controlled sellers. This is the first time since the new rules were announced on December 26, there is clarity on […]
Myntra restructures business to comply with regulations
Flipkart’s subsidiary Myntra which drives a large part of its business through exclusive brand tie-ups and private labels has clarified that it does not own any equity stake in sellers on its platform thereby complying with the new FDI norms. The move signals a significant restructuring at Myntra since the company continues to sell brands […]
Film, music industry moot voluntary code to curtail ad revenue of pirate websites
Fed up with rampant online piracy in the age of cheap internet data plans, the Indian film and music industry is coming together along with advertisers to form a voluntary code aimed at reducing ad-supported illegal content. Signatories to the code will agree not to advertise on websites that host ‘infringing’ content. The intention is […]
IoT Scale Flaws Enable Denial of Service, Privacy Issues
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Small sellers calling it quits on Amazon
Over a dozen small, fringe sellers have begun exiting or suspending their accounts on Amazon, unable to manage logistics and order deliveries on their own after norms for online marketplaces kicked in on February 1. This move, however, is unlikely to affect the e-commerce giant’s revenue. Most of these entities sold products through Amazon-owned Cloudtail […]
Comparing Feature Selection Scripts
In this series about feature selection, the first three posts covered three different WhizzML scripts that can help you with this task: Recursive Feature Elimination, Boruta and Best-First Feature Selection. We explained how they work and the needed parameters for each one of them, applying the scripts to the system failures in trucks dataset described in the first post. As […]
Google CEO bets big on YouTube for future growth
With nearly two billion monthly logged-in users, video-streaming platform YouTube is poised to bring in big moolah for Google in the coming years, the company’s CEO Sundar Pichai hinted in an earnings call with analysts on Monday. Google’s advertising business accounted for $32.6 billion of its parent company Alphabet’s overall revenue of $39.3 billion for […]
EU Recalls Children’s Smartwatch That Leaks Location Data
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