Enjoy the current installment of “Weekend Reading For Financial Planners” – this week’s edition kicks off with the news that recent survey data indicate that advisors are more satisfied and productive when they have more time to spend with their clients and when those clients fit within their ideal client profile, in terms of needs, […]
Archives for 2023
Editor’s Comment: A small SIPP of success
With all the problems in the SIPP sector over the past few years SIPPs should be dead and buried by now. Yet they are not, far from it in fact. A story this week reminded us that SIPPs are not only alive and kicking but have plenty of life in them. That’s not to diminish the […]
5 takeaways from Arizent research on using tech to win next-gen clients
A new study by Financial Planning parent company Arizent shows that firms are missing a big opportunity to get ahead on winning in the wealth transfer race.
RightCapital triples market share as eMoney and Envestnet stagnate
Envestnet and eMoney Advisor, the two leaders in the financial planning software market, have struggled to maintain their market share over the last two years.
Another deadline, another amendment for FINRA’s remote work rule
The latest proposed changes tweak criteria that would disqualify firms from having ‘residential supervisory locations.’
8 strategies for wealth managers after 2022’s slumping markets
Boston Consulting Group offered financial advisors some business levers to consider in response to the worldwide impact of slumping stocks and bonds last year.
“ენთები” – წამყვანი საბუღალტრო კომპანია
კომპანია სამმა მეგობარმა − ნიკა წიკლაურმა, ნიკა მჭედლიშვილმა და დიმა ბასილაშვილმა 2015 წელს დააფუძნეს
How advisors can help underserved wealthy professional women
Around three in five women breadwinners said financial professionals have wrongly assumed their partner is the primary earner, according to a new UBS report.
Backing our small business customers on Xero Day
Today is Xero Day, which marks a special day here at Xero. It’s the anniversary of the day where it all started for us 17 years ago. Our customers, partners and people have played a vital role in our success and Xero Day is about reflecting on all of you and our purpose to make […]
Commonwealth, Stifel and Raymond James get top advisor satisfaction grades, dethroning Edward Jones
J.D. Power’s latest study used a different scaling method that brought down scores across the industry among 15 major firms examined in the firm’s annual poll.