News 14 Jun, 2018 Keumars Afifi-Sabet SMR will be deployed in a quarter of its in-house Magic Pocket infrastructure by 2019
Why GDPR creates a “vicious circle” for marketers
News 14 Jun, 2018 Rene Millman Customers will control the forthcoming trust economy, predict Aprimo
Microsoft pushes Windows 10’s Fluent Design into Office
News 14 Jun, 2018 Roland Moore-Colyer The rollout will start with subtle design and colour tweaks
People@Cisco: Kip Compton
Customers and connections make up a day’s work in Cisco’s cloud business. More RSS Feed: …
Privacy Shield should be suspended, say MEPs
News 13 Jun, 2018 Joe Curtis Committee cites Cambridge Analytica scandal and CLOUD Act as obstacles
Salesforce plans to pump £1.9 billion into UK initiatives
News 13 Jun, 2018 Dale Walker Five-year investment will include a second UK data centre
Corporate Tax Department Paperless Trends
Even though corporate tax departments have just finished another tax filing deadline. Some teams find they are now in the middle of a tax compliance audit. So, instead of focusing on next tax season preparation or tackling the list of other business demands, they are dealing with an audit. Did you know that corporate tax departments use up to 40% of their team’s time searching for documents […]
How the Spanish cybercriminal underground operates | Salted Hash Ep 30
Host Steve Ragan reports from the RSA 2018 conference, talking with Liv Rowley, an intelligence analyst at Flashpoint, about Spanish cybercrime, an underground community that poses persistent security risks.
Top Seven Fixed Assets Questions for a Retailer, Restaurateur or Manufacturer to Ask
If you are overwhelmed by the amount of time it takes for Fixed Assets Management, you are not alone! As a matter of fact, certain industries have adopted a 52/53 week accounting year for reporting. Ensuring a consistent and even comparison of sales year over year. But, without the right fixed assets management software in place, you may have yet again added more headaches for your finance […]
Automation critical to scalable network security
Securing the business network has been and continues to be one of the top initiatives for engineers. Suffering a breach can have catastrophic consequences to a business, including lawsuits, fines, and brand damage from which some companies never recover. To combat this, security professionals have deployed a number of security tools, including next-generation firewalls (NGFW) […]